After the preparation of the track bed, there was no visible progress on the construction site of the 'Boxberg Roundabout' in Waldbröl for weeks. But now the re-laying of the rails underneath the new roundabout has begun to re-connect Waldbröl Stn. to the 'rest of the world' again. The new rails are already laid as far as the underpass, seen from Waldbröl Stn.
Currently the new rails come to an abrupt ending at the beginning of the underpass.
Also for the remainig gap, new construction materials for the gap closure is ready. However, no one should cherish the illusion that Waldbröl could be served anytime soon. Before THAT can happen again, the problem regarding the illegally-built 'Jäger-Hall' has to be finally solved at court - don't hold your breath!