(Translation from German by Detlef Zirpel/Don Payne)
Waldbröl. - No go-ahead for re-opening the Wiehltalbahn as far as Waldbröl is in sight! Acting on a motion of the Green Party group on the council, Waldbröl's Mayor, Peter Koester, promised to attend to the matter and to bring Mayor Rüdiger Gennies of Reichshof in, as a company in the Denklingen area had erected a building too close to the railway tracks.
As previously reported, the 'Upper Berg County' as approving authority, had omitted to involve the Bonn-based Wiehltalbahn operating company 'Rhein-Sieg-Eisenbahn (RSE)' in the process of planning. As a consequence only Deutsche Bahn (DB) had been approached, although the railway tracks are actually in the ownership of the respective local authorities and the operating licence is exclusively held by the 'Rhein-Sieg-Eisenbahn (RSE)'.
"An overly unpleasant situation", the authorised officer of the RSE, Walter Zienow, said. Regretfully, the RSE also had to sue the owner of this building. "And this despite the fact that this person is well-disposed towards us and helped us a lot, for example in restoring the Denklingen railway bridge!"
The lawsuit is currently ongoing at the administrative court of Cologne. A judgment is not yet in sight, they say... (höh)
From the 'Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger ('Oberberg Local News' insert)' of 1st.April 2017.
For English-speaking readers, the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger is the local daily newspaper and the article is not an April-Fool joke.