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There are many public houses and restaurants within a short walk from many of our stations - just the nearest ones are listed below.
To ensure the public house you choose is open on your day of your visit please telephone in advance. N.B. It is quite common for pubs etc. in Germany to have a “Ruhetag” or “Rest Day”. This is usually, but not always, Monday. In case of doubt, please give them a call and ask for the opening hours.
Bielstein Halt
- Restaurant "Toms Hütte"
Bahnhofspl. 4
51674 Wiehl (Bielstein)
Phone: +49-(0)2262-7175044
- Restaurant "Haus Kranenberg"
Bielsteiner Str. 92
51674 Wiehl (Bielstein)
Phone: +49-(0)2262-7976598
Bahnhofspl. 4
51674 Wiehl (Bielstein)
Phone: +49-(0)2262-7175044
- Restaurant "Haus Kranenberg"
Bielsteiner Str. 92
51674 Wiehl (Bielstein)
Phone: +49-(0)2262-7976598
Latest News
- Pruning work on the Wiehl Valley Railway
- Open Monument Day on September 10th, 2023, at Waldbröl Station
- Special rides on August 26th and August 27th on the occasion of the reopening of the Wiehlpark
- The "Bergischer Löwe" roared - and each and every one came...
- Special trip in occasion of the reopening of the Bielstein bridge and the lower Wiehl Valley Railway as far as Wiehl