Waldbröl has been reconnected to the DB railway network! The gap in the rails that had been opened back in 2014 due to the pending construction of the 'Boxberg' roundabout, has been closed again and so the 'Landesbetrieb Straßen NRW (regional road authority of NRW)', as well as the town of Waldbröl have issued an invitation to the “Formal opening for traffic of the A-Road B 256 roundabout for traffic between Waldbröl and Boxberg” on Friday, September 8th, 2017.

Start:                  11:00 a.m.

Assembly area:  Car park of the 'Restaurant Boxberg', Kaiserstr. 113, 51545 Waldbröl.



The ballast still has to be tampered and so the rails still look a bit uneven - but the gap in the track bed, that has been torn ahead of the construction works as early as 2014, has been closed again now. Waldbröl is reconnected to the DB railway network again by this.


Did the rails still end up in front of the the other side of the underpass two weeks ago, this photo shows they have been relaid there as well (view from Hermesdorf towards Waldbröl Stn.).


Also the remaining gap between the 'Boxberg' roundabout and the temporary end of the track beside the 'Selkirk'-hall has been closed.