Compared to the original planning, the following additional work has become necessary in the steel structure area of the bridge:
• The anchor bolts of the four bridge bearings cannot be reused. Therefore, a new retaining structure must be built around each of the four bearings. This retaining structure must absorb the forces from the operation of the railway and be statically calculated accordingly.
• In the area of the cross bracing connections on longitudinal and transverse beams, a total of 12 reinforcement constructions were installed to compensate for the weakening due to rusting.
• The four rollers of the two floating bearings were no longer usable and had to be rebuilt.
• For the retaining and reinforcement construction, the static proof was submitted by the engineer's office Heymer. These calculations are then checked by a test structural engineer approved by the Federal Railway Authority (EBA).
But we also have to cope with additional costs for track construction. In the course of the dismantling work of the old bridge beams by the track construction company Hundhausen, we were informed by the company's experts that the sleepers directly adjacent to the bridge beams are so dilapidated that a safe track position in the junction from the bridge to the track cannot be achieved when the new bridge beams are reinstalled. Therefore, we decided to have these sleepers replaced. Part of the required sleepers could be provided by the preservation society.
The rail sleepers immediately adjacent to the bridge beams also need to be renewed.