Spurred by the 'integrated concept of action', which was worked out for Morsbach last year, the municipality could take ownership of the DB area including the existing railway facilities after years and years of talks on March 3rd, 2017.

Morsbach Stn. - view from the street

Morsbach Stn. - view from the street

By this the municipality could lay the foundation of a sustainable layout for the area that was used below value for years.

In the course of a dialogue between the RSE (Rhine-Sieg Railway) as holder of the operating licence for the tracks and the 'Society for the preservation of the Wiehltalbahn', which is targeting a regional rail transport on these tracks, this new situation was evaluated as a chance. It was agreed to preserve the track installations basically, but to reduce them to a level necessary for a tourist rail operation.

The RSE Ltd. assured to mandate a planning office on a short-term basis with the preparation of a outline. The muncipality will bear the costs related to further plannings for the realisation of the 'integrated concept of action'.

In parallel to these pleasant news concerning the railway area, the plannings for the station building are being concretised. Aside from the utilisation as 'Venue Station - Morsbach House of Meetings and Integration' it is planned to provide office areas for non-profit organisations on the first floor and to use the former freight shed as exhibition space.


Original source (Sorry, German only!)